Texas's Abortion Ban


The Biden Administration had previously sued Texas over the law called Senate Bill 8, but as of Friday October 8th, the law has been reinstated. 

Senate Bill 8 has two purposes, first it bans abortion or prohibits physicians from providing abortion care if a fetal cardiac activity is detected. Secondly, it permits anyone to sue a person who "aids and abets" an abortion after 5-6 weeks of gestation. 

It is momentarily unclear if the Biden Administration will bring the case back to the Supreme Court as it was previously halted or presented in court as a "open defiance of the Constitution". The law was halted to due to the filed lawsuit but cannot be fully banned until a Justice Department federal judge can declare the law invalid. 

Both the right and left leaning news outlet had fairly good information about the Abortion Law. Both outlets provided information on the current status of the law and how the Federal government and Texas are dealing with it. Additionally, both outlets informed the readers on the circumstances that pregnant women face, as appointments were cancelled and many women are having to go to neighboring states to have the procedure completed. In this case, both left and right leaning outlets gave fairly adequate information over the matter. Overall, I have not seen too much information on Social Media over this matter but the posts that have been found are keeping true to the current status of the issue. It is not a topic than can really be used for fake news as it is simple and straight forward, either it's banned or not. 

TxPEP-research-brief-senate-bill-8.pdf (utexas.edu)

EXPLAINER: Biden administration takes on Texas abortion law - ABC News (go.com)

Texas clinics cancel abortions after court reinstates ban | Fox News

Texas abortion ban is back, for now. It's 'chaos' for patients, advocates say. (msn.com)


  1. Hey Marcos, this law has caused a lot of uproar in the political field and both republicans and democrats have had a lot to say about this issue. I can understand the arguments from both sides and it has been a long battle between the political parties. The reinstated law has led to people stockpiling abortion pills or traveling to other states to obtain an abortion. Others have taken the approach of having an unsafe abortion because they feel that they have no other option. Democrats have been concerned about this law for those reasons, but they believe that it will eventually be revoked because of the way people are reacting to it. Republicans will continue to fight to keep the abortion law from going anywhere which means this battle is far from over, great post!


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